About Us
An expert, independent partner who can harmonise your IT and telecoms with speed and ease
What We're All About.
We could try to impress you with the fact that we’ve got amazing employees, have been around for years and won a bunch of awards and stuff. Don’t worry. We won’t.
Because when the first thing you want is some clear, independent thinking and advice, the last thing you need is us talking about us.
So let’s focus on you.

Communications Clarity
Either way, you want to be absolutely sure you’re getting rock-solid advice.
Perhaps you’re enmeshed in a complex contract and need it untangled so you can move forward.
You might have important legacy software that needs to integrate with a new system.
Is the competition making moves that leave your comms looking (and feeling) old fashioned? Especially now with people working all over the place.
Is your IT provider blaming your comms provider and your comms provider blaming your IT provider when things go wrong? The classic ‘circular firing squad’.
Perhaps it’s as simple as simply wanting more. More reliable ways to serve your customers? More flexible? Faster? Easier? More value?
About You.
Wherever you are on your journey, and whatever the challenges you face, of course you’ll want independent advice. And a complete market-wide range of options. And clear cost comparisons. And payment options. To have all the ‘what ifs?’, ‘whys?’ and ‘why nots?’ answered, clearly and honestly.
Wherever you are on your journey, and whatever the challenges you face, this is About You.
Contact us to find out more.

Real Communication.
It’s the least your business deserves.But hand on heart, is that what your teams, your partners and your clients experience?
Or are they bottlenecked, frozen and Daleked to the point of distraction?
To the point of defection? Does your technology actually damage your communication, your reputation? We see it every day. It happens. Too often.
Poorly blended IT and telecoms delivering poor experiences, poor impressions and threatening good businesses. In truth though, it’s little surprise that so many businesses get it so wrong.
Because getting it right is difficult. It’s exhausting. You can spend months, travel miles, meet endless beaming smiles in your pursuit of the perfect communications setup – the perfect IT/telecoms fusion. And still fail. It’s tough on the road. It doesn’t have to be.
Not When We Bring The Road To You.
Because it makes your life easier.
Because it means you make better buying decisions.
Because we’re 100% independent/whole-of-market.
Because we’ve seen a wide range of best (and worst) practices.
And because we solve a vast range of service problems for a wide range of clients.
It means we’re perfectly placed to specify the kit, map the journey and support your progress.
But First We Need To Understand You.
So we study your business.
Your ambitions. Your plans. Your technology. Your connectivity. Your people.
And then we hand you a report that concludes in a shortlist of 2 or 3 preferred platforms.
Even better than that – we demonstrate each so you can experience them in the flesh.
Up close. Eye to eye.
So you can challenge us, challenge the manufacturers, stress test and see for yourself the many ways your new integrated IT/telecoms will make your business more valuable and your brand more cherished.
Because that’s real communication.
Open channels please.
For all.
It’s the least your customers expect.
It’s the least Your Business deserves.
Because it makes your life easier.
Because it means you make better buying decisions.
Because we’re 100% independent/whole-of-market.
Because we’ve seen a wide range of best (and worst) practices.
And because we solve a vast range of service problems for a wide range of clients.
It means we’re perfectly placed to specify the kit, map the journey and support your progress.
So we study your business.
Your ambitions. Your plans. Your technology. Your connectivity. Your people.
And then we hand you a report that concludes in a shortlist of 2 or 3 preferred platforms.
Even better than that – we demonstrate each so you can experience them in the flesh.
Up close. Eye to eye.
So you can challenge us, challenge the manufacturers, stress test and see for yourself the many ways your new integrated IT/telecoms will make your business more valuable and your brand more cherished.
Because that’s real communication.
Open channels please.
For all.
It’s the least your customers expect.
It’s the least your business deserves.
But hand on heart, is that what your teams, your partners and your clients experience?
Or are they bottlenecked, frozen and Daleked to the point of distraction?
To the point of defection?
Does your technology actually damage your communication, your reputation?
We see it every day. It happens. Too often.
Poorly blended IT and telecoms delivering poor experiences, poor impressions and threatening good businesses.
In truth though, it’s little surprise that so many businesses get it so wrong.
Because getting it right is difficult. It’s exhausting.
You can spend months, travel miles, meet endless beaming smiles in your pursuit of the perfect communications setup – the perfect IT/telecoms fusion.
And still fail.
It’s tough on the road.
It doesn’t have to be.